All news at TU Wien

Award of Excellence 2023

Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner was honored with the Award of Excellence for his outstanding dissertation.

Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner receives the Award of Excellence 2023 certificate from Education Minister Martin Polaschek

© BMBWF/ elephant and porcelain GmbH/ Gerald Mayer-Rohrmoser

This State Prize, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and endowed with 3,000 Euros, is awarded to Austria's 40 best dissertations in the past academic year.

The award-winning dissertation, supervised by Robert Weber, is entitled "Towards instantaneous PPP convergence using multiple GNSS signals".
The award ceremony occurred on December 7, 2023, in a festive setting in the Jesuit Hall of the Aula der Wissenschaften.
