All news at TU Wien

Austrian Statistical Days 2024

Group photo Austrian Statistical Days 2024

The CSTAT team organized the Austrian Statistical Days, which took place from April 3-5, 2024, at TU Wien. This annual conference of the Austrian Statistical Society (Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft) was organized in collaboration with the Czech Statistical Society. More that 100 participants joined this event, and there were 36 scientific presentations, with invited talks of Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (WU Wien), Christian Genest (McGill Univ., Canada), Sarka Hudecova (Charles Univ. Prague), Ed Humpherson (Office for Statistics Regulation, UK), Arnost Komarek (Charles Univ. Prague), Helmut Küchenhoff (LMU Munich), Andreas Reinstaller (Austrian Productivity Board), and Siegfried Hörmann (TU Graz). One social highlight of the meeting was a reception at the Wiener Rathauskeller.