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Exchange of switches for the CAEG / CAU1 / CAU2 / CDEG / CDU1 / CDU2 / CDZE area on Monday, 07.12.2020

Due to new requirements for the operation of lecture halls, the switches for the CAEG / CAU1 / CAU2 / CDEG / CDU1 / CDU2 / CDZE area must be replaced.

The following room numbers are specifically affected:
CAEG: 01,05,10,17,29,31
CAU1: 16,54A
CAU2: 10,25,29
CDEG: 08,13,18,38
CDU1: 11B
CDU2: 04
CDZE: 04,13

In the course of the exchange, the connections in these rooms as well as, if applicable, the WLAN supply, if this is not taken over by another area, will fail for 1-5 minutes.

If you have any questions or problems in the course of the work, please contact the respective TUnet approval authority of your institute or