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Arthur Kammerhofer wins the research prize of the Federal Chamber of Civil Engineers 2022

Final Thesis: "Spatial steering effects of housing subsidies - using the example of the Housing Subsidy Act of the Province of Salzburg" supervised by Prof. Dr. Arthur Kanonier and Dr. Hans Kramar.

Arthur Kammerhofer vor weißem Hintergrund

Arthur Kammerhofer

Arthur Kammerhofer is awarded the 2022 Research Prize of the Federal Chamber of Civil Engineers for his diploma thesis "Räumliche Steuerungswirkungen der Wohnbauförderung am Beispiel des Wohnbauförderungsgesetzes des Landes Salzburg". In its justification, the Federal Section of Civil Engineers, together with the Federal Section of Spatial Planning, Landscape Planning and Geography, states that the work deserves special attention due to the topicality of the subject and the technical expertise contributed. The prize, endowed with €2,500, will be presented at a ceremony in the coming months. 

In addition, his diploma thesis was nominated for the Arch Diploma, where the best final theses of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning at TU Wien are exhibited. The exhibition can be visited from 4 to 19 October 2023. The entire thesis is available for Download, opens an external URL in a new window as Open Access via the TU Vienna library.

The entire SRF team warmly congratulates Arthur on this special and valuable award!