All news at TU Wien

Announcement Februarseminar 2024

Announcement Februarseminar 2024

Announcement Februarseminar 2024

The next edition of the traditional Februarseminar, organized by ÖWAV - Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband in cooperation with our institute under the lead of Prof. Jörg Krampe, will be dedicated to energy at wastewatertreatment plants.
Due to disrupting events such as the war in Ukraine and the associated energy price increases, but also to the expected new requirements of advanced treatment steps, the topic of energy has recently gained a new dimension of importance for the sector.
The programme will cover a broad range of topics, from the current status of the sector to security of supply and from electricity and heat consumption to digester gas utilisation and future developments.
As usual in this seminar, the presentations will feature high-calibre experts from Austria and Germany, will focus on practical and operational experience and there will be sufficient time for in-depth discussions and personal conversations.
We are looking forward to meeting you at TU Wien for an inspiring exchange.
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