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This Wednesday Austria reaches its Earth Overshoot day

[Translate to English:] Earth overshoot day

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity's demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what the earth can regenerate in that year. Global EOD is usually in July but is not announced until later in the year.

This Wednesday, April 6th, is Austria's Earth Overshoot Day. This means that if every country consumed like Austria, that day would be global Earth Overshoot Day. For some countries, this day is earlier and other countries, such as Angola, do not have an individual EOD at all.

The concept of Earth Overshoot Day was first developed by Andrew Simms of the UK think tank New Economics Foundation, which partnered with the Global Footprint Network to launch the first global Earth Overshoot Day campaign in 2006. The WWF, the world's largest nature conservation organization, has been involved in Earth Overshoot Day since 2007.

On this website you can learn more about the campaign and also see the EOD of each country:, opens an external URL in a new window



Our programs in the area of Sustainability & Energy start again in Fall 2022. Learn more on the respective program pages:

MSc Renewable Energy Systems
MSc Environmental Technology & International Affairs
Master of Engineering Nachhaltiges Bauen