All news at TU Wien

Christmas atmosphere at ASC

Our Christmas party: Cozy gathering with mulled wine and burritos

ASC presentation "Schön, dass Sie da sind!"

© Marie Auzinger

Every year our head of institute invites all former and active members of staff as well as the student assistants to look back on the year as it draws to a close. The buffet - carefully organised by Marie Auzinger and prepared with the help of the secretaries and a few helpful employees - left nothing to be desired. Despite a number of technical difficulties in the preparation phase, there were warm burritos and cold wraps as well as biscuits and snacks to eat and of course it wouldn't be a christmas party without mulled wine and (non-alcoholic) punch. We started at 16:00 with a short welcome in the Nöbauer lecture hall and a presentation of the new workgroups and changes in staff, an outline of the highlights of 2023 as well as some important news for 2024. The evening carried on in a relaxed atmosphere in the lobby with beer, wine, water and lemonades where ASC employees chatted until late at night. It was a pleasant break from the hectic pace of everyday life and a nice opportunity to meet old and get to know new colleagues.

The slides of the presentation are found here [pdf in German], opens a file in a new window.