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Alumni Interview: Fabian Kracmar

ETIA alumnus Fabian Kracmar, MSc, MA (class 2019-2021) is currently a trainee at the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action - EU Coordination Climate & Environment.

[Translate to English:] Fabian Kracmar

Why did you choose the MSc program ETIA at TU Wien ACE?
I chose it especially because of the cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and the interdisciplinary study approach to focus on environmental policies and on how to combat one of the, if not even THE, biggest challenge of the human kind: the climate crisis.


What advice would you want to give to new prospective students for the MSc ETIA - what should they know?  
If you would like to have a job in an area that is already growing rapidly and will grow even faster in the near future, in order to achieve the climate targets and to work on adaption and mitigation to the climate crises: Go and study ETIA!


How did you benefit from the program personally? (Networking, contacts)   
This program attracts marvelous students from all around the globe with different backgrounds. Be prepared to benefit from your fellow colleagues with brilliant mindsets and of whom some today I may call close friends.


What comes to your mind when you think about the program? What were the highlights?
Plenty. Highlights were the “extracurricular” events organized by the DA, TU, or students, where we always learned something and had fun at the same time. In addition, I gained so much knowledge in my role as student representative at the beginning and during the pandemic.


What are your carrer plans for the next 3-5 years?
Once I finished my traineeship at the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action I will strive for a career in the field of (EU) climate and environment policies in either the governmental-institutional level or at an NGO level. Most important to me: to have a positive impact for the planet and/or the society while enjoying the job. Next to my professional job, I plan to become a beekeeper with my own bee colony. This is good for recreation and the biodiversity!



This interdisciplinary MSc program Environmental Technology & International Affairs is a joint venture of the TU Wien and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. It is a pioneering project in its combination of international issues and environmental technology. 

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