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Alumni Event of the Atomic & Plasma Physics Group

On September 27, 2024, a special alumni meeting took place to mark the formal retirement of Professor Aumayr. The event, held in the Festsaal of TU Wien, brought together around 60 alumni of Fritz Aumayr's Atomic & Plasma Physics research group over the past four decades.

Group Picture of the Alumni Meeting of the FB Atomic and Plasma Physics

© D. Rath | IAP

Group Picture of the Alumni Meeting of the FB Atomic and Plasma Physics

In a warm yet festive atmosphere, the gathering provided an opportunity for alumni to reunite after many years, to share memories and to reflect on their careers since their time in Fritz Aumayr's group. The event was filled with short presentations on academic and professional achievements, which unanimously highlighted the lasting influence of Professor Aumayr’s mentorship.

"It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and to hear about the different and impressive paths each of them has taken," said Professor Aumayr, who always strived to inspire curiosity and passion for the subject in his students. The event was not only a reflection of his remarkable career; the attendance of such a large number of alumni, some of whom travelled from distant parts of the world, was also a testament to the enduring legacy he leaves behind as a mentor and university professor.

We will have the pleasure of working with Fritz Aumayr for some time to come, as on the first day of his retirement he takes up a new role as a project researcher on his own externally funded project. He will be continuing his work on nuclear fusion and ion-surface interaction processes. We wish him continued success!