All news at TU Wien

Additions to the DAMAP team

With Valentin Futterer and Derek Molnar, we have two new experts on board.

The photo shows Valentin and Derek standing next to each other in front of a white wall with wall lights.

© Christiane Stork

Valentin Futterer and Derek Molnar

DAMAP, opens an external URL in a new window, the open-source software for creating data management plans (DMPs), will be further developed and implemented at partner institutions within the BMBWF-supported project Shared RDM Services and Infrastructure, opens an external URL in a new window. For the DAMAP team at TU Wien, the Center for Research Data Management advertised two positions, which have been successfully filled. We are delighted to welcome Derek Molnar and Valentin Futterer to our team!

As Open Source Project Manager, Derek will coordinate and promote the cross-institutional development of DAMAP. He will be responsible for the user community and be available to answer questions and give presentations to interested parties.

In October, Valentin started his position as a software engineer in the developer team. He supports the further development and integration of DAMAP with existing systems. All DAMAP improvements directly impact the TU Wien DMP Tool, opens an external URL in a new window, our local DAMAP instance, and therefore benefit TU Wien researchers.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 14 (top floor), 1040 Vienna