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Academic Director and Participant of our MSc Renewable Energy Systems join Central European Biomass Conference

"Greening the Strategies” was the central topic of the 6th version of the CEBC, the Central European Biomass Conference which took place in Graz, Austria from 22nd- 24th January 2020. Academic Director Reinhard Haas contributed to the conference by giving a talk on the potential and challenges of “Green Gas”. He also met with one of our students of the MSc Renewable Energy Systems to discuss the latest Biomass technologies on the market.

Student Olawole Oyewole at the Central European Biomass Conference 2020

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Student Olawole Oyewole at the Central European Biomass Conference 2020

[Translate to English:] Student Olawole Oyewole auf der Mitteleuropäischen Biomassekonferenz 2020

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While European Power Grids are getting greener, gas grids still lag behind. A promising concept to use gas grids in a more sustainable way is Green Gas. Academic Director Reinhard Haas explains: ” Green gases encompass gases from various energy sources such as waste wood, bio waste, but also from electricity from renewables, e.g. wind and photovoltaic. In practice bio methane, synthetic natural gas, hydrogen and methane are summarized as “Green Gases”. “

Olawole Oyewole, participant of our current cohort of the MSc Renewable Energy Systems, won the raffle over a conference ticket and joined the CEBC in Graz, Austria, for the first time. He told us: “It was an exciting time in Graz with focus on ecological heat and electricity from wood. Networking was good and it was nice to see latest Biomass technology display at the stands.” Olawole has a degree in Electrical Electronics Engineering majoring in Energy/Power. Until coming here, he worked as a project manager for an Utility Company in Nigeria. Olawole is an alumni of the Future Energy Leader program FEL-100, opens an external URL in a new window of the World Energy Council, a fellow at ECOWAS center for Renewable energy and energy efficiency ECREEE , opens an external URL in a new windowand other professional bodies. He joined the Master’s program in November 2019.

For more information on the CEBC visit their website >>, opens an external URL in a new window


MSc Renewable Energy Systems
Next Program Start: March 19, 2020
Language: English
Duration: 2 years
Structure: part-time in modules