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Graduation Ceremony of our Real Estates Management Program

Alumni Class 2018-2020

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Faculty Member Mag. Astrid Grantner, MSc MRICS

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Alumni Class 2018-2020

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Alumni Class 2018-2020

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On October 15, 2020, the graduates of our 21st cohort of the Real Estates Management Program came together to celebrate their successful completion. During the ceremony, academic director Prof. Dr. Bob Martens, FRICS and faculty member Mag. Astrid Grantner, MSc MRICS passed their congratulations and best wishes to the alumni. Although the members of this cohort had to face a few changes in early 2020 due to the Covid lockdown, all lectures and exams could be realized  so that students were able to finish the program in time.

Congratulation to all alumni and all the best for your professional career paths!

Alumni of Class 2018-2020

Mag. Natalie Busch
Dominik Czeczil
Benedikt Ertler
Oscar Floth
Viktoria Frohner
Sebastian Hickl
Patrick Jungmann
Franz Ferdinand Kronberger
Florian Lugner
Charlotte Maierhofer
Simon Nadvornik, BSc
Armin Obruca-Hohl
Melanie Reichel
Daniel Schenk
Mag. Paul Stepan

Alumna of Class 2016-2018

Tatiana Barkovskaia