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The DA and the TU’s 12th ETIA Program Graduation Ceremony – Presentation of the ARA Best Study Award

On the occasion of the graduation ceremony of the MSc postgraduate Program “Environmental Technology and International Affairs“ the “ARA Best Study Award“ was granted for the eleventh time – the Diplomatische Akademie Wien and the TU Wien congratulate the winners and alumni.

The graduates of the MSc ETIA

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Award winners Brigitte Gerstmann and Christina Huber with ARA-CEO Christoph Scharff

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Award winners Brigitte Gerstmann and Christina Huber with ARA-CEO Christoph Scharff

The graduates of the MSc ETIA

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The graduates of the MSc ETIA

The graduation ceremony at the DA

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The graduation ceremony at the DA

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The graduation ceremony at the DA

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The graduation ceremony at the DA

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The graduation ceremony at the DA

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The graduation ceremony at the DA

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On 29 September 2020 the graduation ceremony for the MSc Environmental Technology and International Affairs (ETIA), a cooperation between the Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies (DA) and the TU Wien (TU), took place in the Festsaal of the Diplomatische Akademie Wien. Fifteen students from five countries representing three continents participated in the MSc program this year.

Ambassador Emil Brix, Director of the Diplomatische Akademie Wien congratulated all students that they managed, despite of being the “Corona-class”, to finish their studies. “In our world, where all things are interrelated, you have the best perspectives”, Brix told the graduates. “You are generalists in the best sense of the word. You managed to understand different fields of knowledge in different disciplines. You learned to understand political and economic implication. And you learned professional expertise in environmental technology”. We experience massive forest fires, heat waves and the Arctic sea ice reached the second lowest extent since records are kept. “Please make sure to carry as enthusiastically as you started your studies here. Preserve your idealism and help to make this world a better place”, Brix added.

Prof. Bob Martens, Dean of Academic Affairs for Continuing Education at the TU Wien highlighted the cordial cooperation between the two institutions. As unique characteristics he emphasised the “international family” and small cohorts which have enabled the creation of an excellent network, as well as the “female dominance” of the program (nearly two thirds of this class) – the latter being a very positive addition to the programs of the TU.

In the course of the graduation ceremony the “ARA Best Study Award“, which awards total prize money of 20,000 euros, was granted for the eleventh time to the students with the best academic performances. ARA Altstoff Recycling Austria AG is Austria’s leading EU packaging compliance scheme and a non-profit company, using the revenues from compliance fees to organise and finance the collection and recovery of packaging waste in Austria. Hon.Prof. Christoph Scharff, CEO of ARA, complimented this year’s ETIA graduates on their stunning achievements. The ARA Best Study Award 2020 prize money was distributed between the three best students of their class – all female: the third prize was awarded to Yeseul Gam (South Korea), tied for first place were Christina Huber and Brigitte Gerstmann (both Austria) with equally brilliant results.

The Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies and the Continuing Education Center of TU Wien congratulate the award winners and all the alumni.

Pictures of the graduation ceremony >> , opens an external URL in a new window

Learn more about the MSc ETIA