All news at TU Wien

Conclusion of Erasmus+ project TrainRDM

The final TrainRDM training week and the final event took place at the end of March - with the prospect of more in-depth collaboration.

Three speakers, one female, two male, sitting at the front desk

Speakers at the Open Science Forum in Bucharest. From left to right: Eva Maria Mendez, University Carlos III Madrid, Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit Open Science - DG Research & Innovation, European Commission, and his predecessor Kostas Glinos, Science & Technology policy expert | Photo: University Politehnica Bucharest

The third and last training week on Open Science within the TrainRDM, opens an external URL in a new window project was addressed to undergraduate and PhD students and took place in Romania, the host country of the coordinator, University Politehnica in Bucharest (UPB), from March 27-30, 2023. It was characterized by a particularly strong participation of TU Wien both from the trainer and trainee side.

Materials of the training weeks

All presentations, video recordings and exercises of the training week in Bucharest were provided and published with a CC-BY 4.0 license at, opens an external URL in a new window.

Note: The materials of the first two training weeks in Vienna and Rome are available via the following DOIs: , opens an external URL in a new windowand, opens an external URL in a new window.

Final event Open Science Forum

The highlight and conclusion of the week was the "Open Science Forum" on March 31, 2023. This event showcased the experience and lessons learnt from other EU projects and initiatives, and brought together high-level Open Science experts from Europe. These included colleagues from alliances such as YUFE and EELISA InnoCORE, as well as the European Commission's Directorate General for Research and Innovation. Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit Open Science - DG Research & Innovation, European Commission, gave the presentation "Open Science - an EU vision for the research future. EU Open Science policy: latest developments and outlook", and his predecessor Kostas Glinos spoke about "Open Science Challenges from universities' perspective". Furthermore, new approaches to research evaluation, especially COARA, were presented and widely discussed.

TrainRDM colleague Horacio González-Vélez, Associate Professor and Founding Head of The Cloud Competency Centre, National College of Ireland (NCI), presented one of the most important results from TrainRDM in his talk "Open Science and Research Data Management: A FAIR European Postgraduate Program" - and thus also already gave a preview of the sustainability of the project: TU Wien and UPB were involved in the programme development of the Open Data curriculum at the NCI, and a possible role as lecturers in the courses is currently under discussion.


TrainRDM – Open Science and Research Data Management Innovative and Distributed Training Programme has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project ID: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080170.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien