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A valuable and fruitful experience for MSc ETIA students - Exkursion to Simmering

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[Translate to English:] Group photo

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On November 23, MSc ETIA students had the chance to visit the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Waste Incineration Plant located in Simmering, Vienna. This excursion was a valuable and fruitful experience for ETIA students as we could see the concepts we study in our lectures in action. By observing the processes and various sectors of the plants, we gained a better perception of our studies. Additionally, we were all thrilled by the cutting-edge technology used in the Waste Water Treatment Plant and its energy autarky. On the other side, in the Waste Incineration Plant, our waste was efficiently and effectively converted to energy in several stages (including an enormous crane). Considering the environmentally friendly conditions of the plants increased our hopes for the future and the possibilities to mitigate the environmental crisis.

Key Facts

Final Degree: "Master of Science in Environmental Technology and International Affairs" (MSc) granted by the TU Wien in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

Language: English

Duration: 4 Semesters (full-time)

Location: Vienna

Tuition Fee: EUR 29,400 (excl. cost of travel and stay)

Next Program Start: September 23, 2024