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A marathon not a sprint: Talent Management is about mindset, not figures

For years firms have been facing ‚a war of talents’ and it is still going on. Being difficult to find and retain qualified employees that match certain profiles, companies need to focus more on managing this human capital risk. Studies of the Economic Intelligence Unit reveal that CEO’s view human capital as a risk to continue posing a challenge to organizations. A McKinsey study explains that employees look for career development in order to stay with their companies.

[Translate to English:] Talent Management

Having studied and analyzed the talent management of over 100 international companies for 10 years Dr. Gerhard Graf, a renowned expert for human resources at the University of Applied Science in Munich and consultant corroborates these observations. He states that the maturity level of Talent Management has not evolved yet in general, Talent Management is installed but not managed. Furthermore, implemented standardized Talent Management tools are often not strategically aligned and connected to individual personal development needs. Being reluctantly realized, Talent Management is regarded more than a burden than a relief from many companies. However, the few companies that aligned their Talent Management at a strategic level are more successful and show a higher employer attractiveness than the others.

C-Level has to be on board

Based on the Prisma Methodology, Prof. Gerhard Graf offers a comprehensive framework and process to implement and conduct Talent Management on a long run. A successful Talent Management  has to be anchored at the top of the company. Being embedded in the mindset of the Top Management Team, Talent Management becomes then the desired powerful tool that is embodied in a companies DNA. Emphasizing the importance of good leadership he points out to leadership as a major source of identifying and developing people.

Many firms have to sharpen their profile as attractive employer offering a valuable talent management to manage the human risk. This certified academic course of ‚Strategic Competence and Talent Management‘ combines practical knowledge and scientific foundation, that allows participants to penetrate this topic in a substantial and sustainable way for themselves and their own company.

Compact-program with practical focus

Christof Stögerer, a former participant of the strategic competence and talent management course states: „In addition to the theoretical background and the different impulses, the course is also very practical. The goal is to apply new insights to your own project and to develop a kind of talent management roadmap for your own company. So if you really want to develop and implement a talent management strategy in your organisation, then this is the course for you. The course is also easy to fit into your day-to-day business. Especially if you have talent management or competence management in your job description, you will not need to spend much time on it, because the course will become part of your job and all the time invested will pay off in your job performance.“

If you are interested in learning a comprehensive Talent Management framework join the strategic competence and talent management course that TU Wien ACE is offering. A german held course will be available in the upcoming winter term 2024 (starting in October), an english taught course is already in the making.