All news at TU Wien

30 Years of Real Estate Courses at TU Wien: the anniversary party [VIDEO]

[Translate to English:] 30 Jahre Immobilienlehrgänge an der TU Wien

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30 Jahre Immobilienlehrgänge an der TU Wien: Die Jubiläumsfeier

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30 Jahre Immobilienlehrgänge an der TU Wien: Die Jubiläumsfeier

The Austrian real estate branche met on 15 October 2019 in the Kuppelsaal of the TU Vienna to celebrate the institution that has been responsible for the training and further education of its specialists and managers for 30 years. Students, alumni, lecturers and companions from business and research agreed on one point in particular: the TU Vienna is and will remain the "place to be" when it comes to real estate courses and further education.

Click here to watch the anniversary video >>, opens an external URL in a new window