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3rd Linking Ages Salon - Addressing Variability & Inequality

On 22 June, Korinna Lindinger, Sabine Knierbein and Angelika Gabauer will talk about spatial and urban sociological agendas of children, young people and the elderly. Under the theme "Addressing Variability & Inequality", the 3rd Linking Ages Salon invites you to a joint discussion of these research perspectives from 3:30 pm.

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"Linking Ages - A Dialogue between Childhood and Ageing Research" is a project by Anna Wanka, Sabine Andresen, Frank Oswald and Tabea Freutel at the Goethe University Frankfurt. In the Linking Ages Salons, theoretical concepts are discussed with interdisciplinary experts, methodological challenges are questioned and new questions are developed.

Registration on the Eventbrite, opens an external URL in a new window website.