All news at TU Wien

15 Years of MSc Renewable Energy Systems

Our contribution to a climate friendly future started 15 years ago, when the corporation with our expert-partner Energiepark Bruck/Leitha, the Austrian pioneer energy agency, was brought to live. Since 2005 the complementary strengths of TU Wien and Energiepark Bruck/Leitha make this MSc an outstanding opportunity to satisfy the global market demands and contribute to all aspects of renewable energy systems by educating the decision-makers of tomorrow.

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15 Years Anniversary Bonus for MSc Renewable Energy Systems!

Over the last years, matters of general climate change, Co2 emissions and the Sustainable Development Goals, defined by the United Nations in 2015, have been more and more brought to the public’s awareness. Numerous movements have been created by the public to demand action from decision makers and some companies are even making first adaptions to their production and distribution cycles. But still: Governments and the world economy as a whole are yet to take the crucial steps.

Celebrating 15 years of MSc Renewable Energy Systems at TU Wien

As a university, it is our main objective, to provide first class education on the highest scientific level, paired with expert know-how from the field. Our contribution to a climate friendly future started 15 years ago, when the corporation with our expert-partner Energiepark Bruck/Leitha, the Austrian pioneer energy agency, was brought to live. Since 2005 the complementary strengths of TU Wien and Energiepark Bruck/Leitha make this MSc an outstanding opportunity to satisfy the global market demands and contribute to all aspects of renewable energy systems by educating the decision-makers of tomorrow. The part-time MSc Renewable Energy Systems is the first cross-border program in Europe dealing with these issues of alternative energy production.

To celebrate this special year with you, we are offering a 15% bonus for all complete applications reaching us until October 31, 2020 and resulting in a participation in our next cohort (starting November 2021).

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MSc Renewable Energy Systems - Key Facts
Final Degree:
 Master of Science (MSc)
Academic Director: Univ.Prof.Dr.techn. Reinhard Haas
Language: English
Duration: 4 Semesters
Location: Vienna & Bruck/Leitha
Structure: part-time, blocked modules
Next Program Start: 4. November 2021
Application Deadline: 30. June 2021

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