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14th Vienna Talks - EU taxonomy in construction management

On November 14th, 2024, the Institute of Construction Process and Construction Economics hosted the 14th Vienna Talks. This time, the event was dedicated to the topic of ecological sustainability, in particular the burning issue of “EU taxonomy” in the construction industry.

The podium with the audience.

© Jasmin Beszedics

Every year in November, numerous representatives from science, the construction industry and building trade, planning and consulting offices as well as public clients come together to discuss current topics in the construction industry at the renowned Vienna Talks. This year, the topic chosen was the EU taxonomy in construction management. A topic that raises many questions and poses challenges for the industry.

The participants gathered in the TUtheSky event room before the evening was opened by Institute Director Prof. Dr. Frank Lulei. Prof. Lulei first pointed out the topicality of ecological sustainability and drew attention to a worrying plan of the newly elected President Trump, which envisages the USA withdrawing from the Paris Climate Protection Agreement. According to Prof. Lulei, however, a global solution is needed for the climate crisis.

After the introductory words, Mag.a Eva Aschauer (Head of ESG, TPA Group) continued with the first keynote speech, in which she first addressed fundamental topics such as environmental social governance (ESG) and sustainability reporting. Ms. Aschauer pointed out that sustainability reporting will be mandatory for far more companies (in the construction industry) from 2025 than is currently the case. Ms. Aschauer then went into detail about the EU Taxonomy Regulation. This is a system for classifying ecologically sustainable economic activities. She mentioned the 6 environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy, the requirements for an economic activity to be considered “taxonomy-compliant” and the key performance indicators (KPIs) turnover, CapEx (capital expenditure) and OpEx (operating expenditure), the taxonomy-compliant and compliant parts of which must be shown in a company's sustainability report.

Dr. Jacqueline Raab (IBB, TU Wien / Vienna) continued the event with the second keynote speech, in which she took a closer look at the connection between the EU taxonomy and construction projects. She began by explaining that sustainability reporting requires construction projects to be converted into economic activities and demonstrated this using several examples (new housing construction, railroad construction, road construction). She showed that there are also construction projects that are not included in the Delegated Regulations and therefore cannot be taxonomized. Dr. Raab gave an example of technical assessment criteria for a road renovation project and then went on to discuss other key issues and challenges in connection with the EU taxonomy.

In part 2 of the second keynote speech, Hon. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lessiak (Lessiak & Partner Rechtsanwälte) once again addressed the key differences between the terms “taxonomy capability” and “taxonomy conformity” and linked these terms to public procurement law. He referred to Section 20 (5) BVergG 2018, which is central to environmental sustainability and public procurement procedures: the principle of taking into account the environmental compatibility of the service in procurement procedures. He also addressed the priority of the best offer principle over the lowest bid principle and showed that taxonomy-compliant activities can be put out to tender and their taxonomy conformity can be rewarded with quality points.

Following the two keynote speeches, leading experts discussed the topic of “EU taxonomy in construction management” under the moderation of Prof. Lulei. The panel included the two speakers Mag.a Aschauer and Dr. Lessiak as well as Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Fromm, MBA (ASFINAG), Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Kradischnig (Delta) and Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Christian Maier (HABAU). The discussion revealed in particular challenges such as the lack of harmonization and standardized procedures in the implementation of the Taxonomy Directive. However, the EU taxonomy as a guideline offers great potential for innovation and transformation, but its implementation remains challenging - especially for infrastructure projects.

The early involvement of planners and contractors was emphasized as a central solution approach in order to implement projects in a sustainable and taxonomy-compliant manner. Reference was made to the necessary balance between ecological and economic goals in order to make sustainability practicable in the long term. The panel participants agreed that closer cooperation and exchange between clients, planners and contractors are crucial to the successful further development of the industry.

Following the panel discussion, the buffet was opened and the participants had plenty of time to network.

We would like to thank the sponsors of the event:Swietelsky, opens an external URL in a new window, PORR, opens an external URL in a new window, VIBÖ, opens an external URL in a new window, iC, opens an external URL in a new window, FCP, opens an external URL in a new window, Leyrer + Graf, opens an external URL in a new window, Magenta Telekom, opens an external URL in a new window, STRABAG, opens an external URL in a new window, CML, opens an external URL in a new window, HABAU, opens an external URL in a new window, Müller Partner Rechtsanwälte, opens an external URL in a new window, bw-b, opens an external URL in a new window, Schiefer Rechtsanwälte, opens an external URL in a new window, WKO Geschäftsstelle Bau, opens an external URL in a new window, Dr. Ingo Heegemann, opens an external URL in a new window, tz baumanagement, opens an external URL in a new window,, opens an external URL in a new window, BBD, opens an external URL in a new window, KOB, opens an external URL in a new window, tbw technik & bauwirtschaft, opens an external URL in a new window sowie Vasko + Partner, opens an external URL in a new window.

We would also like to thank everyone who helped us prepare for this year's theme: Maximilian Weigert, Markus Kapeller (beide IBB, TU Wien), Leopold Winkler, Christian Wahlmüller, Felix-Elias Schwarz (alle Swietelsky), Christian Maier, Lukas Hochreiter, Nicole Richter (alle HABAU), Philipp Schneider, Catharina Ahmadi (beide environomics), Lorenz Schluder (PORR), Gerald Beck, Markus Metzler (beide BIG), Mario Rumel (ASFiNAG), Eva Aschauer (TPA) sowie Rudolf Lessiak (Lessiak & Partner Rechtsanwälte).

Report: Jacqueline Raab, opens an external URL in a new window, Markus Kapeller, opens an external URL in a new window, Maximilian Weigert, opens an external URL in a new window
Pictures: Jasmin Beszedics

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© Jasmin Beszedics

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© Jasmin Beszedics

Andreas Fromm in conversation with Frank Lulei

© Jasmin Beszedics

Christian Mayer in conversation with Frank Lulei

© Jasmin Beszedics

Frank Lulei at the speaker's desk

© Jasmin Beszedics

Eva Aschauer at the microphone

© Jasmin Beszedics

Jacqueline Raab at the speaker's desk

© Jasmin Beszedics

Rudolf Lessiak at the speaker's desk

© Jasmin Beszedics

The podium with the audience.

© Jasmin Beszedics

Wolfgang Kradischnig at the speaker's desk

© Jasmin Beszedics

The podium with the audience.

© Jasmin Beszedics

Frank Lulei is listening.

© Jasmin Beszedics

The podium from the left

© Jasmin Beszedics

Three people at the podium in conversation

© Jasmin Beszedics

Questions from the audience

© Jasmin Beszedics

All participants of the panel discussion on stage

© Jasmin Beszedics


© Jasmin Beszedics


© Jasmin Beszedics