All news at TU Wien

12.3.2021: Datacenter Network Maintenance

The stability of the data centre network is crucial for the central services of the TU Wien. To ensure this stability and also provide new functionality, a software upgrade will be performed on 12th March 2021 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Update 7:40 pm: The maintenance work has been completed. Due to an unexpected issue with one of the servers providing the TUhost service, the network team interrupted the maintenance between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm to cooperate with the TUhost team to solve this issue as quickly as possible. We apologise for thereby overrunning the maintenance window and for all problems the issue has caused.

During this upgrade, the availability of central services (e.g. upTUdate, TUWEL) may be impaired for a few seconds at a time. Extensive redundancy configurations should prevent any longer outages; we shall strive to fix any unexpected issues as quickly as possible should they occur.