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Special Award 2021: "Preservation of the "Streckhöfe" in Burgenland".

Black and white photo of facades of three historical "Streckhöfe" (farms) in Burgenland

© ifoer, TU Wien

On the occasion of the 100-year anniversary of Burgenland, the announcement of the special prize "Preservation of the "Streckhöfe" in Burgenland" is not only intended to draw attention to the importance of traditional building culture, but also to launch an initiative for the use and appreciation of the still existing farm holdings.

In addition the special price is announced to show the commitment as well as the innovative handling of already realized projects exemplarily for the still existing, unused and empty historical witnesses of the Burgenland building culture.

The harmonious image of the villages and towns in Burgenland was for a long time characterized not only by the settlement structure but also by the peculiarity of the building culture, especially by the rural architecture. Simple, clear and compactly arranged residential and outbuildings have created a small-structured development with a characteristic roof landscape. The main type of these rural buildings in Burgenland is the "Streckhof" as a traditional and typical building form, consisting of residential, stable, barn and shed wings built closely one behind the other along a narrow courtyard. Often, as an architecturally attractive part of the houses, there is a courtyard-side longitudinal arbor, the so-called "Gred'n" or arcades, which are sometimes very elaborately designed. Many typical Streckhöfe, Hakenhöfe or Zwerchhöfe have already been destroyed in Burgenland, only a few have been preserved in approximately their original condition. However, the value and high quality of these courtyard buildings as a form of housing is increasingly being recognized and the historic buildings are carefully being renovated, restored and revitalized. The possibilities of rescue measures range from authentic preservation to the combination with contemporary and modern design elements or building extensions.

The state of Burgenland therefore invites all owners of historic Streckhöfe, Hakenhöfe or Zwerchhöfe, which are preserved, maintained and used, to participate in the call for entries with their project for the special award and to contribute in an exemplary manner to the further preservation of these characteristic buildings in Burgenland. Eligible are projects that can be proven to have been implemented or realized in the last 20 years (from 2000).

The special prize for the best project will be awarded with € 1.500,-; two additional recognition prizes up to € 500,- each can be awarded according to the proposal of the jury.

The submission, including the completed data sheet and all documents required for the evaluation of the project (such as plans, descriptions, historical information, building permit, photos, etc.) must be marked with the keyword "Erhaltung der Streckhöfe" and sent to the Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, Abteilung 4 – Ländliche Entwicklung, Agrarwesen, Natur- und Klimaschutz, Referat Dorfentwicklung, Europaplatz 1, 7000 Eisenstadt by Friday, 01. October 2021 or to be delivered to the Landhaus NEU, 3rd floor, room A304 or A306, by 12:00 noon at the latest. 

Landeshauptmannstellvertreterin Mag. Astrid Eisenkopf would like to invite you to submit YOUR implemented Streckhof project for the Special Award 2021!

Information, opens an external URL in a new window

Open call (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window

Open call special prize for preservation of the Streckhöfe (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window