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Scholarship supported Summer School at the University of Tokyo

Apply now for short-term research stays at world leading laboratories!

Scholarship supported Summer School at Todai

© The University of Tokyo

ESPS 2021

Engineering Summer Education Programm by the University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo - ESEP2021
Engineering Summer Education Program 

The summer program at the University of Tokyo’s School of Engineering, called ESEP (Engineering Summer Education Program), is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in scientific research projects at world-leading laboratories. Students from partner universities are eligible to participate. 

Program Details:, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster


Important Notice regarding COVID-19

If the travel restrictions and quarantine measures due to the influence of COVID-19 are still in effect as of March 15, 2021.

1. Students from the relevant country/region are NOT allowed to come to Japan. There will be no postponement nor re-opening.

2. Only those laboratories offering both in-person and online courses will allow students to switch from in-person courses to online courses upon confirming their intentions with the host supervisor. No scholarship will be paid for students taking online courses.

3. The scheduled events such as Japanese culture classes and tours will be subjected to change.

Eligibility & Requirements:

 - Applicants must be full-time students enrolled at TU Wien.

 - Undergraduate students (at least 2 full years in a bachelor’s degree program) and Graduate students.

Program Outline:

 - Duration: June 7 - July 16, 2021

 - Application Period: Nov. 15 until Jan. 8

 - Announcment of Selection: March 2021


 - Up to 160.000 JPY may be granted by the University of Tokyo

Program Details and Application Documents:

 - Please visit the program's website, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

 - Before applying, please contact JASEC staff at TU Wien as you will probably need some assistance for preparing the necessary documents!