
01. January 2023
Gerald Matz
Elevation to IEEE Fellow Grade

Elevation to Fellow grade is the highest honor bestowed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in recognition of extraordinary technical, educational, and leadership achievements. Following a rigorous evaluation procedure by the IEEE Fellow Committee, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the Fellow grade upon persons with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number of fellows selected in any one year cannot exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting IEEE membership.

Gerald Matz has been named IEEE Fellow in the class of 2023 with the citation “for contributions to signal processing for communications in nonstationary environments”. He is the fourth IEEE Fellow at the Institute of Telecommunications, the other three being Wolfgang Mecklenbräuker (1985), Franz Hlawatsch (2012), and Markus Rupp (2015).

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