
New traffic concept for childcare

Several variants for the external development of the new childcare facility are to be examined. The existing traffic situation, the topography and the structural conditions are to be taken into account. In addition, accompanying traffic measures on the state road to reduce speed and increase road safety are to be investigated.

Duration: 09/2022 - 12/2022

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Mistelbach traffic concept

Deficiency analyses are carried out on the basis of the analysis of the surveys and interviews conducted. The resulting planning proposals include all modes of transport as well as the coordination of the different modes of transport in the form of an integrative transport concept.

On the basis of the objectives and the indicators derived from them, as well as the impact analysis, measures in line with the objectives are prepared for political implementation and coordinated with urban planning and economic development, and an implementation strategy is developed that corresponds to the realistic financial, organisational and administrative possibilities in order to achieve a rapid and optimal fulfilment of the objectives.

Duration: 04/2022 - 11/2023

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Traffic concept Steinerkirchen an der Traun

Duration: 07/2022 - 06/2023

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Traffic concept Zwölfaxing

Duration: 04/2022 - 03/2023

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Traffic concept St. Valentin

Within the framework of the development of a mobility strategy for the city of Salzburg, measures are to be defined, based on a realistic assessment of the initial situation, in order to reduce the volume of motorised private transport and at the same time to strengthen the environmental alliance (public transport, cycling, walking) as a whole. Reference should be made to the Austrian Climate and Energy Strategy as well as to the catalogue of measures already developed at federal level in the context of the Mobility Status Report, and measures in the City of Salzburg should be coordinated with these. Based on the analysis and synthesis of previous concepts and packages of measures, an analysis of the status quo and deficiencies of the transport system and the identification of objectives and guidelines for future transport policy, proposals for measures will be developed for the respective modes of transport (walking and cycling, public transport, motorised private transport). Aspects of tourism traffic as well as the role of stationary traffic and cross-city traffic (greater Salzburg area) in particular will also be taken into account. Framework conditions for urban and settlement planning will also be developed.

Duration: 04/2021 - 11/2022

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Development of a traffic concept for Spittal an der Drau

Duration: 05/2017 - 11/2017

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Preparation of a master plan for the centre development and traffic concept for Ober-Grafendorf

Duration: 12/2015 - 01/2017

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VK Ennstal

Regional traffic concept Ennstal/Liezen - Estimation of the potentials of different traffic measures by means of a simulation model

The objective is, on the one hand, to review the objectives, measures and forecasts of the existing regional transport concepts and, on the other hand, to present alternative measures in qualitative and quantitative terms.

Duration: 01/2007 - 09/2009

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