Konstantin Key

About me

Computational engineering science was my study subject at RWTH Aachen University, from which I graduated at the end of 2018
as a M.Sc. with a focus on mathematical methods. Mathematical methods were also an important aspect of my doctoral studies on “Novel Numerical Methods for Solidification in Manufacturing Processes” that I pursued as a fellow of the International Research Training Group “Modern Inverse Problems”. The IRTG embeds, among others, the cooperation of my thesis advisors Prof. Dr. Stefanie Elgeti (at that time) from RWTH and Prof. Thomas J.R. Hughes, Ph.D., from the University of Texas in Austin. After twice staying at the Oden Institute for a couple of months and defending my dissertation in August 2022, I joined the ILSB as a Post-Doc in October 2022.


With my research, I strive to enhance the value of simulation-based predictions for engineering by broadening the applicability of established numerical methods and also considering novel approaches. With respect to the former, I work on mathematical modeling, for example, of crystallizable thermoplastics, and stabilization of finite element methods. For the latter, I employ splines, especially in the context of isogeometric analysis, and machine learning techniques as, e.g., physics-informed neural networks.