
16. October 2023
Hiking Day 2023
The Institute for Lightweight Structures and Structural Biomechanics (ILSB) recently organized a hikingday where 17 participants set out to explore the natural beauty and culture of Vienna. The chosen route, spanning approximately 14 kilometers, promised a day filled with breathtaking landscapes and culinary delights.

Our journey led us along a challenging 7-kilometer trail to the first highlight of the day – a Heuriger. These traditional Austrian wine taverns offer a unique blend of culinary delights and authentic charm. Here, we gathered for a hearty lunch, savoring local specialties. The convivial atmosphere of the Heuriger provided the perfect setting for relaxation and camaraderie.

Refreshed and eager for more adventures, we continued our hike and conquered the next 7 kilometers of scenic beauty, eventually reaching a breathtaking viewpoint in the “Am Himmel” recreational area. To conclude our day, we visited another Heuriger, where we had the opportunity to pamper ourselves with refreshing drinks and enticing desserts.

The hike not only provided the opportunity to connect with nature but also facilitated team building and information exchange among the participants.