Sebastian Bachmann

About me

I started at TU Wien with a bachelor in medical computer sciences. Here, I had the first contact with biomechanics, a topic that aroused my interest. Therefore I chose biomedical engineering for my master’s, where I was able to deepen these topics. Especially the composition and the continuous remodelling of bone were of my main interest, which eventually lead to a diploma thesis in the area of bone remodelling. Also my knowledge of computer science came in handy in the group of computational biomechanics. During my PhD studies under supervision of Prof. Dieter Pahr, I was able to deepen my knowledge even more. I worked in the “NewHuman” project, led by Prof. Matthew Skinner, with the goal to analyse adaptive niches of early-humans. Here, I was able to provide methods for the analysis of bone microstructure. Aside from research, I’m interested in coffee and enjoy photography.


In the group of computational biomechanics, I work on methods that analyze bone microstructure, typically by using micro-CT images. I’m especially interested on the load driven bone (re)modelling and how the adopted bone can be analyzed to gain knowledge of the loads that led to this adaptation. Applications of these methods are not only in evolutionary anthropology, but also in medicine or biomechanical basic-science.