Dieter H. Pahr

About me

studied mechanical engineering at the TU Wien and received his doctorate in 2003 with the dissertation “Experimental and numerical investigations of perforated FRP laminates” under the supervision of Prof. Rammerstorfer. After receiving the venia docendi for “Computational Solid Mechanics” under the supervision of Prof. Zysset in 2008 with the habilitation thesis “Computational multi-scale modelling of synthetic and natural composites “, I became an Associate Professor of “Computational Biomechanics”. Since 2013 I am also CEO of Dr. Pahr Ingenieurs e.U., a spin-off from the TU Wien which distributes the software medtool. In 2016 I was appointed as a full professor for musculoskeletal biomechanics at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems an der Donau, where I head the division biomechanics and founded the BMLAB a laboratory for biomechanics and is responsible for training in biomedical physics for medical students. In 2018 I became a member of the council of the European Society of Biomechanics. In 2020 I was nominated as full professor for computational biomechanics at the TU Wien at the Institute for Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics. In 2021 I founded the Interuniversity biomechanics laboratory (IUBL) as internal and external collaboration platform.


My double professorship at the TU Wien and at KL Krems aims to put engineering at the service of human health.  My research covers the areas of prevention, treatment, and aftercare of diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of simulation methods, imaging methods, experimental investigations, and 3D printing.

Musculoskeletal Biomechanics:

Collagen fibril mechanics, Experimental characterization of hard and soft tissue, digital image and volume correlation, micro CT imaging, 3D printing

Computational Biomechanics:

Micro Finite Element Analysis, CT images to FEA models workflows, bone biomechanics, medical image processing, bone structure – function relationships, statistical modeling