
Feedstocks and Renewables

Feedstocks and Renewables (mandatory module)

Standard workload: 6.0 ECTS

Learning Outcomes:

Professional and methodological skills: Students will be able to identify the major components of various raw materials, to explain the isolation and conversion of the pure substances, and to derive possible applications from their basic properties.
Cognitive and practical skills: After positive completion of the course, students are able to identify renewable raw materials, understand the macroscopic properties of the major components and recognize them in products.
Social skills and personal skills: Based on the knowledge acquired, students generate their own view of advanced biorefineries in the context of bioeconomic concepts as an alternative to finite resources.
Content: Composition of renewable raw materials, structure and properties of the main components, technical processes for the production and processing of renewable raw materials, mechanical, chemical, and enzymatic conversion into different material streams; molecular structure, properties, use and degradability of bioplastics.

Required previous knowledge:

Technical and methodical skills: Basics of organic chemistry, biochemistry and organic technology (Bachelor level).
Cognitive and practical skills: Overview of the current state of knowledge on natural products and biomaterials.
Social skills and personal skills: Reflection on a sustainable lifestyle using the example of everyday items such as clothing, packaging materials etc.
Mandatory Requirements: None.

Courses of the module:

The following courses are mandatory:

  • 2.0/2.0 VO Chemicals from biomass (BOKU)
  • 2.0/2.0 VO Chemistry and technology of sustainable resources (BOKU)
  • 2.0/2.0 VO Biopolymers for sustainable utilization (BOKU)