[This image depicts a scene set in a field during what appears to be early morning or late afternoon, judging by the soft lighting. In the foreground, there is a large, professional-looking drone hovering in the air with red lights on its arms, suggesting it's active. The drone has four rotors and is equipped with a camera and other sensors. It is facing a person who is standing in the middle ground, observing or controlling it. This individual is wearing a dark helmet, a blue jacket, and is carrying a backpack, indicating they might be a professional drone operator. The person is facing away from the camera, looking at the drone. The background features rows of crops extending towards the horizon, with trees and a hazy mountain range in the far distance, all bathed in a warm, hazy light that suggests either a sunrise or sunset ambiance. The overall setting suggests that the drone may be used for agricultural purposes, perhaps surveying or monitoring the crops.] (Text generated by ChatGPT4)


  • Zahra Babaiee, Peyman M. Kiasari, Daniela Rus, Radu Grosu, Unveiling the Unseen: Identifiable Clusters in Trained Depthwise Convolutional Kernels, Accepted at ICLR 2024
  • Zahra Babaiee, Peyman M. Kiasari, Daniela Rus, Radu Grosu, Neural Echos: Depthwise Convolutional Filters Replicate Biological Receptive Fields, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024, pp. 8216-8225