There is a human hand holding a exagonal symbol of AI.


Overview and content structure of the training programme


18 ECTS at advanced master and doctoral level are required as listed below:

  • 1 ECTS on Ethics and Responsibility; Introduction to responsible research practice
  • 6 ECTS on Fundamental Courses as offered by the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School. Currently this is in the following areas: Philosophy of Science, Research and Career Planning, Crafting good professional life, Scientific Proposal Writing, Fundamental Research Methods. These courses will include the transferrable skills.
  • 11 ECTS of Area Courses on topics relevant to TrustACPS that will include min of 3ETCS of courses given by our Guest Professors, 3ETCS of PhD Seminars, 5ETCS of Elective Courses. Examples of Elective Courses are Machine Learning, Autonomous Racing Cars, Internet of Things, Formal Methods, etc.

Research abroad and internship

An important part of a doctoral student’s training is the possibility of spending a research period abroad in a different research environment. This gives the doctoral student the opportunity to learn new research methods and expand his/her network of collaborations. This also creates job opportunities after the PhD for a possible postdoc or for a job. We will strongly encourage each student to spend (whether this is possible) a research period abroad for a minimum of three months and to take advantage of the many scholarships and funding opportunities offered by TU Wien to spend a research period abroad (e.g. Marshall Plan, ERASMUS, etc.). Our faculty members have already established a strong network of collaborations both in Europe and US (e.g., UPenn, Berkley, MIT, see