All past and future events are listed in our event calendar. We offer various event formats:


Continuing education and information


We regularly hold information events in cooperation with funding organisations where we combine presentations from the program managers with best-practice examples from successful TU Wien applicants. These events take place as webinars as well as in-person.


The aim of this one-day course is to present the fundamental principles of writing a proposal. Participants receive an overview of the key funding organisations, are introduced to the various parts of a proposal and gain insight into the review process and current evaluation criteria, to ensure participants are well-prepared to write future project proposals.


The aim of this course is to provide participants with the basic knowledge and skills to enable them to effectively turn their research ideas into convincing proposals for submission to national public funding organisations. The course includes practical work for participants on their own proposals.

Networking with industry


The event series “Wirtschaftsimpulse durch Forschung” encompasses formats for discussion with the aim of stimulating collaborations between businesses and TU Wien. These events are organized in close cooperation with the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and provide an overview of industry-related research at TU Wien.

We also offer small-scale events, such as business workshops, lab visits or presentations by experts, where researchers and corporate partners work together on specific issues or where light is shed on a particular field in a way that is applicable to practice. Some collaboration projects have already been launched as a result of this business-focused PR work (also see  Best Practice-Kooperationen).  


The event series “Blickpunkt Forschung" was established at TU Wien in 2015. In this event series current and interdisciplinary topics as well as results from industry-related applied research projects at TU Wien are presented in collaboration with corporate partners.

Recent topic areas and titles include: “Leben in der vernetzten Stadt” (translates to “Life In The Interconnected City”) (2020); “Klimaschutz konkret” (translates to “Tangible Climate Protection) (2019); Material Innovations (2018); Urban Production (2017); Smart Communities and Technologies (2016); Energy (2015)

Discussion and knowledge transfer within TU Wien

In the spirit of interdisciplinarity this format promotes the exchange between different research units within TU Wien. For each event a thematic focus is defined. Interested TUW research groups put forward project ideas for collaborations in the defined subject area to assist interdisciplinary networking and subsequently discuss joint ideas for collaborations and develop joint proposals. This workshop therefore takes the form of an “Ideenmarkt” ("Ideas Fair").


Project proposals and project management pose many administrative challenges to researchers. In a cross-faculty working group with a maximum of 12 participants, the obstacles to writing proposals and managing projects are discussed so that ideas for solutions can be developed together. The group works together on various issues and questions.

Establishing contacts between research, business and community is a key challenge for successful knowledge transfer. 

Research Salon is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary event series and, since 2016, has regularly provided a space for networking on current topics in academia, with practical examples from a wide range of fields. Based on the 12 STC-East partner institutions and a number of external collaboration partners, the Research Salon seeks to contribute to improving innovation transfer from academia into business and the community at the Vienna Research Centre. Previous focus areas have included Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Work - as Work in Progress, Age and Society, Health and Care, and Digital Transformation(s)., opens an external URL in a new window