
Welcome to the new team members who joined the group in 2024

new postdoc and PhDs 2024

Welcome to new group members!

In picture, left to right:

Dominik Schramm (PhD): Dminik completed his Master’s in computational soft matter physics in Vienna. His studies aim to fabricate a novel sensor to measure all magnetic field components with nanometric resolution. 

Gokita Takeaki (PhD): Takeaki completed his Masters in engineering science at Osaka University, Japan. He joined the 3D Nanomaterials group to carry out his PhD to study the magnetotransport effects in 3D nanomagnetic circuits jointly supervised by Prof. Amalio Fernandez-Pacheco Chicon (Physics of 3D Nanomaterials, TU Wien) and Dr. Claire Donnelly (MPI-CPFS).

Sabri Koraltan (Post-doc): Sabri completed his PhD from the University of Vienna, where he developed magnetic sensing devices based on spin-orbit torques and studied dipolar stabilized skyrmion systems. His main research interests are high-frequency dynamics of magnetic systems and applied magnetism using non-uniform spin textures.

Le Zhao (Post-doc): Le completed his Ph.D. in Physics at Tsinghua University, China. Before that, He earned his Bachelor's in Physics at Lanzhou University. His research in this group will be focused on fabricating 3D spintronic devices and exploring new physical phenomena. 

Alberto Anadon (Post-doc): Alberto has over 10 years of experience in Spintronics, working on various topics such as spin caloritronics, 2D and thin film growth, magnetotransport, and ultrafast processes. He completed his PhD with a competitive regional grant at INA (Zaragoza, Spain), followed by three years at IMDEA Nanoscience (Madrid, Spain) and four years at IJL (Nancy, France). He is an MSCA postdoctoral researcher at INMA (Zaragoza) and a visiting scientist at TU-Wien in Prof. Fernández-Pacheco's group. He enjoys playing board games with friends and listening to classical rock music in his free time.

Welcome all; we are happy to have you in the group!