Safety & Security

House Rules

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The Safety & Security Code

of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) has been developed to ensure safety, security and order, especially with respect to the performance of research, teaching and administration tasks..

TU Wien Safety & Security Code, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster (german) / TU Wien Safety & Security Code, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster (english)

The Laboratory and Workshop Code

of Vienna University of Technology serves general safety and guarantees proper conduct of work processes required in all laboratory and workshop divisions.

German version, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster / English version, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Fire Protection regulation

German Version, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster  /  Englisch Version, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Access Card System

At the moment (1/2020) all buildings at campus Getreidemarkt are equipped with the new key card access system.

There are 4 types of cards - Employee, student, associate and guest

Employee card: people with work contracts handled by the university should get one of these. You can order them in TISS, upload your photo before you send the order. They are valid until your contract ends.

Student card: every student gets one, either automatic or by request in TISS. They are valid for one semester, you can renew the validity at terminals (one is located in building BA, ground floor). This type of card is initially not valid for the access system, you must request activation (Walter Dazinger, Florian Untersteiner)

Associate card ('Weitere Mitarbeiter'): if you are associated to the institute or a research unit/group, you have the option to order an associate card in TISS. Valid one year maximum, expiration date can be prolonged. If your stay at TU is over 2 months get one of these instead of a guest card.

Guest card: for temporary guests, valid for a month maximum, handed out by Sabine Stiedry and Walter Dazinger

All cards initially have no access rights, they are set by Sabine Stiedry, Florian Untersteiner and Walter Dazinger.

Attention: if you lose your card, please immediatley contact one of the persons above and have the access rights revoked. If you cant recover it, you have the option to lock it permanent in your TISS account (and order a new one).

TUNET Acceptable Use Policy

By using services within the scope of TUNET, you agree to follow the terms and conditions outlined in the following document:

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Benützungsregelung (german), öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster