Attention: since August 1st 2014, Danko Milic, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster (phone 0664 60588 7134) handles gas container replacement. Tickets will be sent to him and he will deliver your order and exchange the gas ontainers. If special measurements are necessary to connect the gas bottles (for example sensitive analytical equipment), write it in your ticket or contact him by phone.

If for some reason he is not reachable, contact Florian Untersteine or Walter Dazinger. In emergency situations you can call ICEBE ITTISS (166075, Mo-Do 08:00-16:30, Fr 08:00-14:00) and exchange the gas yourself.

Reminder: single gas containers without option to switch to a 2nd container (for example supply for analytical instruments) should be ordered in advance when the pressure is below a certain level. We don't have 24/7 service with 10 minutes response time... please order in due time.

Furthermore, empty containers in dual or quad gas stations should be replaced once they are empty - don't wait until both or all 4 are empty.



Definitions, abbreviations

[gas] techn. = technical grade, purity depends on gas type

(Schweiß-)Argon = Argon grade 4.6 (99,996%)

Purity of gas is expressed as a decimal fraction. The decimal fraction is an abbreviation of the percentage value, where the first digit represents the number of nines in the percentage value and the last digit represents the last digit of the percentage value.

Grade 3.2 = 3 nines, followed by a two = 99,92% purity
Grade 5.0 = 5 nines (followed by a zero) = 99,999% purity

If you want to know the type and ammount of impurities, please look up the gas data sheet at the supplier database (at the moment our supplier is Messer Austria, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster)