University Life and Culture News

A further step towards an open-minded and tolerant university

Practising gender inclusion at TU Wien - new services

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© TU Wien | Foto: Matthias Heisler

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Research, teaching and learning have taken place at TU Wien for over 200 years. During this time, TU Wien has developed into an open-minded and tolerant university and actively campaigns against discrimination in favour of equal opportunities. Everyday university life is about fair and inclusive co-operation. 

On our behalf (Vice Rector Jasmin Gründling-Riener, Vice Rector Ute Koch and Vice Rector Wolfgang Kastner), more than 20 colleagues have been working intensively on the topics of all-gender toilet, the use of gender-inclusive forms of address in (written) communication and the use of chosen names in TISS in three different task forces over the past few months as part of the ‘Gender Inclusion’ project.

In terms of gender inclusion, TU Wien is setting a good example for continuing to promote respectful and inclusive behaviour in the future. The following measures will be implemented in the coming months :

  • TISS - TU Wien Information-Systems & Services: From the beginning of 2025, it will be possible in TISS to select and display the desired, gender-specific additions to academic degrees/titles (e.g., Showing or generally hiding the academic titles and adjusting the sorting will be possible. 
  • Chosen names: In addition, a uniko task force is working on the topic of chosen names and possible implementations and processes are being coordinated internally at TU Wien in detail.
  • Toilets: Conversion of 20 toilet facilities into all-gender toilets at all TU Wien locations (already being implemented, available from November 2024)

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