Instructions for voting by absentee ballot

  1. Fill in the ballot paper and place it in the voting envelope (C6).
  2. Seal the ballot envelope, but do not seal it by using any kind of auxiliary means. In order to preserve the secrecy of the ballot, the ballot envelope must not bear any inscription and must contain ONLY the ballot paper.
  3. Sign the affidavit.
  4. Place the sealed voting envelope and the enclosed sheet with the signed affidavit folded once in the voting card (C5 envelope) and then seal the voting card (the voting card envelope).
  5. Place the sealed voting card in the pre-stamped return envelope (C4) addressed to the Senate Election Commissions and seal it.
  6. Return the sealed return envelope (C4) by mail in such a timely manner that it is received by the election commission no later than May 18, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. (the end of the election period) in accordance with the announcement of the election to the Senate.

If the return envelope is not sent by post in the manner described above, it must be ensured that the absentee ballot

  • arrives at the office of the Senate of the TU WIEN, 1040 Wien, Operngasse 11, 2nd floor, room E 902-01, by 3:00 p.m. at the latest on election day, 18 May 2022, or
  • is handed in personally or by a messenger at the office of the Senate of the TU WIEN, 1040 Wien, Operngasse 11, 2nd floor, room E 902-01, during the opening hours mentioned under point H. of the announcement or on the election day, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the latest.