If required, external services and special services can be booked for your events. Below you can find a selection of experienced service providers, but you can also hire a company of your choice. Please inform us of the special services you require and / or the external companies you have commissioned as early as possible.

Technical support

On request, technical support can be provided for the entire duration of your event (in addition to the included equipment check before the event).

Service provider: EventService | TU Wien, opens an external URL in a new window

Cost: 45,- € per hour

Booking via event service -> veranstaltung@gut.tuwien.ac.at

Technical equipment

Additional technical equipment can be booked directly via our technical partner.

Service provider: Eventtechnik Zottl, opens an external URL in a new window

Cost: on request

Booking via external service provider  -> zottl@eventtechnik.wien


All rooms are cleaned before and after each event. Additional cleaning or cleaning staff can be booked on request.

Service provider: IGK Facility, opens an external URL in a new window

Cost: on request

Booking via event service -> veranstaltung@gut.tuwien.ac.at


Service provider: Frachtmeister Spedition, opens an external URL in a new window

Cost: on request

Booking via event service -> veranstaltung@gut.tuwien.ac.at


The areas of TU Wien are guarded around the clock by our security. On request we can book additional scurity personnel for your event.

Service provider: SIWACHT Bewachungsdienst, opens an external URL in a new window

Cost: on request

Booking via event service -> veranstaltung@gut.tuwien.ac.at

First Aid
Event furniture

Service provider: Mietmöbel Föhr, opens an external URL in a new window

Cost: on request

Booking via external service provider -> office@foehr.at

Promotion staff

Service provider: Stargate Group, opens an external URL in a new window

Cost: on request

Booking via external service provider -> Fr. Justina Bena
