News articles

Second funding period for special research program TACO

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has approved the renewal of the special research program "Taming Complexity in Materials Modeling" (TACO). This ensures funding for four more years of materials research in our group.

Logos of the subprojects of the special research program TACO

© TACO consortium

Logos of the subprojects of the special research program TACO

The special research program (Spezialforschungsbereich, SFB) Taming Complexity in Materials Modeling (TACO, opens an external URL in a new window) brings nine research groups together, four theory groups and five experimental groups. The close collaboration has proven highly successful, it has also led to more than 100 scientific papers. Two of the nine subprojects are carried out in the IAP Surface Physics group. Thus, we are very glad that the FWF, opens an external URL in a new window has approved the second funding period – four more years of human and artificial intelligence cracking hard nuts!