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Workshop FAIR National Office

In the Project FAIR Data Austria, a first concept for a FAIR National Office was developed, using the Business Model Canvas method.

Scene from the workshop: canvas printout, pens, post-its, cup and glass on a table

Photo: Eva-Maria Asamer

On September 8, 2020 a workshop on a FAIR National Office took place in our new premises. FAIR means that research data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable. To support the implementation of the FAIR principles in Austria, a FAIR National Office will be established within the project FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window.

We had the chance to meet physically with our project partners from Graz University of Technology and University of Vienna and brainstormed together what tasks a FAIR National Office should fulfil in the future. The method of the Business Canvas Model was used, in which the different aspects of an enterprise are examined. We thought about benefits and customer segments, key partners and key activities, and possible marketing channels. Many exciting discussions resulted in a lot of ideas and a vision of the future FAIR National Office.

A report on the workshop and the results will follow soon.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstrasse 16, top floor, 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien