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Invitation to the Research Data EXPO on January 16, 2025

This Cluster Forschungsdaten event in the Kuppelsaal at TU Wien is a good opportunity for researchers to learn about and exchange information on RDM services.

Cluster Logo auf einem dekorativen Bild.

© Cluster Forschungsdaten

Cluster Forschungsdaten, opens an external URL in a new window, Austria’s digitisation cluster on research data, bundles projects on research data management, research information systems, and research-supporting infrastructures funded by the BMBWF. Numerous Austrian research institutions are involved in the individual projects. TU Wien manages the cluster.

The upcoming event on January 16, 2025, is part of the Cluster's open symposium series, in which project results, use cases, and current topics from the broader field of research data are regularly presented and discussed. This year's EXPO format focuses on information booths on various infrastructures, tools, and services, most of which were developed during the Cluster projects. In parallel, there will be various talks and workshops, an interdisciplinary panel discussion, and a networking program in the evening.

The exchange between stakeholders, researchers, and service providers is always very inspiring. Therefore, we invite you to participate, find out more, and actively contribute your needs and experiences.

Further information and registration

You can find all information on the programme,, opens an external URL in a new window participating exhibitors and speakers, opens an external URL in a new window, and registration, opens an external URL in a new window on the EXPO website, opens an external URL in a new window.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna