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Melanie Haider leaves the SRF

Picture of Melanie Haider in front of a white background

At the end of June, Melanie Haider left the SRF and the entire team would like to thank her for her excellent cooperation and support in teaching, research and administration. Within the framework of the Pegasus research cooperation, she worked, among other things, on the variables influencing the choice of means of transport on journeys to work. She is currently writing her diploma thesis on "Digital planning tools in the context of the climate resilient city" in cooperation with the Austrian Institute of Technology (Digital Resilient Cities). We wish her continued success!

An overview of Melanie's activities, research projects and publications during her time at SRF:

Research projects::

  • Collaboration in the VESPA research project
  • Collaboration in the research cooperation PEGASUS
  • Collaboration in the PLAISIR research project


  • J. Suitner, M. Ecker, H. Kramar, M. Haider, R. Giffinger: "Regionale Rahmenbedingungen sozialer Innovation: Eine Analyse energieorientierter Regionalentwicklung in drei strukturschwachen österreichischen Regionen. Interim Paper zum Forschungsprojekt PLAISIR"; 2018; 74 S.
  • A. Gerschina, C. Hahn, D. Reiter, D. Waldl, G. Goranova, K. Köck, J. Listabarth, J. Burtscher, L. Steiner, M. Dernberger, M. Haider, O. Deutsch, R. Jenabi, R. Schaurhofer, V. Matlschweiger (Hrg.): "Alte Pfade neue Wege - Perspektiven für die Region Römerland Carnuntum"; TU Wien Studierendenprojekte der Raumplanung und Raumordnung, Wien/Bruck a.d. Leitha, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-902707-44-4; 36 S.