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Coronavirus – Update: Examination at TU Wien

As of 2 June 2020, in addition to the online examinations, which could already be started gradually in the last two weeks, presence examinations will again be held at TU Wien - albeit in compliance with the necessary security measures.

Coronavirus – Update: 18.05.2020

A guideline for teachers and students on how to conduct attendance examinations at TUW has been developed. You can find it at, opens an external URL in a new window.

These guidelines contain important requirements and recommendations that should or must be observed when taking presence examinations. There you will also find information on how to obtain your admission confirmation, how the admissions are organized, how the examinations are conducted, etc.

A new room information page has been created in coLAB, where you will find the new examination capacities including seating plans. There you will also find the plans of which entrances are to be used for which lecture halls in the course of next week in order to keep the way to the lecture hall as short and direct as possible. There will of course also be guidance systems on site.

In order to ensure that the necessary safety distances are maintained, the lecture hall capacity is very limited, which means that several dates often have to be offered in parallel and examinations can be held until July and exams can also be held in August and September.

Our aim is to enable you to complete your courses as soon as possible. Under the given circumstances, we will also need part of the summer to be able to offer sufficient examination places. Thank you very much for your understanding and patience.

We wish you every success with both the online exams and the attendance exams!

Kurt Matyas and the Distance Learning Team