News articles

24th Climate Day

The 24th Climate Day (24. Österreichischer Klimatag) at the TU Wien was a big success!

Dr. Miriam Bertola

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Dr. Miriam Bertola

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24. Österreichischer Klimatag 2024 QR-Code

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Two talks were given by our group: One by Dr. Julia Derx on „The impact of future global changes on the microbiological water quality of urban river catchments“, and another by Dr. Miriam Bertola titled „Are recent megafloods in Europe surprising?“

Dr. Bertola also received the „CCCA-Nachwuchspreis“ (The Young Talent Award of the Climate Change Center Austria) for her 2023 paper on the same topic, titled: „Megafloods in Europe can be anticipated from observations in hydrologically similar catchments“.
