Our Network Structure

Our FemChem network is based on 4 teams with different main focus areas. Each team is represented in the board, where all major decisions are made at eye level with our chair women and a representative from the Committee on Equal Treatment at TU Wien (AKG).

Our chair woman Bettina Mihalyi-Schneider is a Senior Scientist at TU Wien. She is the Dean of Academic Affairs for Chemical and Process Engineering.


This is the structure of the network. It is explained in more detail in the text below.

The network is represented as a house. The base is made up of everyone who is committed to the advancement of women. On this basis, there are four teams that support the structure!

Let's build a house

Without a foundation, no stable building can be built. It provides the necessary stability on which our structure is built. All those who care about the advancement of women and equality for all are the foundation of FemChem.

Building on this, there are 4 teams:

Team Diversity & Identity: Develops long-term goals to advance women.

Team Competence Enhancement: Creates continuing education opportunities and mentoring programs.

Team Communication & Information: Promotes the exchange and visibility of women.

Team Networking: Responsbible for organising events and meetings.

Our Teams