The FAM-library is assigned to FAM - Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (E105-01 & -05) and is one of the libraries of the Department of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics and a branch of the main library of TU Wien.

Locating books

CatalogPlus, opens an external URL in a new window

You can find all books of FAM-library as plain text list, opens an external URL in a new window and as a list in CatalogPlus, opens an external URL in a new window.

Borrowing books

If you want to borrow a book from the FAM library, please write an e-mail or call us (see "contact details" below), so we can check the availability of the book.

You can also visit the library and search for books yourself - in this case make an appointment with Sandra.

If books are available, we usually lend them for 4 weeks. An extension is possible if nobody else asked for it.
The FAM-library is a library which is used for research and teaching - in case a researcher/lecturer of FAM needs a book, it has to be returned as soon as possible. Usually it can be borrowed again a few days later.

Opening hours

We do not have fixed opening hours. We ask you to contact us before you come to the library - see "contact details" below.

Contact details

+43-1 58801 10511

FAM-office, Sandra (Trenovatz):
"Freihaus" building, 7th floor, green area (DA07L08, opens an external URL in a new window)
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien