Linking to Researcher Profiles in CatalogPlus

Identifiers for persons allow icons to be added in TU Wien Bibliothek's catalogue that link to an authors' scientific profiles.

Logos of various persistent identifiers and platforms

CatalogPlus is the central discovery portal for scientific literature at TU Wien Bibliothek. In this catalogue, the library's printed and electronic holdings can be searched for literature relevant to your fields of interest.

Researchers can make their research more visible using persistent identifiers (PIDs) and scientific profiles on ORCID, Scopus Author or Publons/Web of Science.

The abovementioned researcher profiles, and others, can now be displayed in the form of logo icons in the details view of search results in CatalogPlus, and accessed via links. Adding PIDs to authors in CatalogPlus is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022. Using these icons, users can now find additional literature and bibliometric parameters of an author directly on the platforms used by the author.

This new feature was developed and implemented in the course of the linked open data project started at TU Wien Bibliothek at the end of 2021. The functionality will be offered to all partner institutions of the Austrian Library Network (OBV) as a catalogue extension module.

You work at TU Wien and want links to your researcher profiles to be added in CatalogPlus? Simply connect your ORCID iD to TISS or contact us.

Go to this record in CatalogPlus, opens an external URL in a new window to view an example showing the new icons that link to authors' researcher profiles.