What did you want to be as a child? Astronaut, firefighter, company boss or inventor? For children, the world is limitless and dreams are unlimited. At TU Wien, we are working towards a better now and an incredible tomorrow.

We pursue the dream of changing the world in research and teaching. Because TU Wien is more than just a university. It is a vibrant, pulsating place of knowledge and innovation - and, above all, of community.

More together

The TUW Community not only includes students and employees of TU Wien. It is open to everyone: from pupils, parents of future scientists to entrepreneurs or simply technology enthusiasts. Our network promotes the open exchange of ideas and supports creative approaches.

These connections are not only valuable for professional exchange, but also offer an ideal platform for career opportunities and further development. The numerous research projects and start-ups that are created here launch careers and realise dreams.

Let's meet at the Wiener Elektrotagen

Experience live what TU Wien has to offer in addition to research and teaching. Immerse yourself in our TUW universe: Get to know our racing designers, get tips from TUW athletes and also find out how musicians, rocket builders and chess players help shape our university.

Together we can achieve great things - the future is waiting for us.