„Road Safety Summer School“ der Universität Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

The Summer Academy will take place from 28 August to 5 September 2023.

A primary objective of the programme is to provide broad and expert training in advanced road safety concepts and elements, thus enhancing the knowledge and competence of the participants.

Course participants will work with more than 30 road safety experts from around the world who will present the latest findings on key road safety factors:

  • the human factor
  • the road and its surroundings, and
  • the vehicle.

In the practical part of the programme, participants learn how to:

  • carries out basic traffic accident analyses using real data from a crash test
  • conducts a road safety test.

The total duration (workload) of the Summer Academy is 61 hours, which corresponds to 2 ECTS points that Master's students and PhD students will receive after completing all planned activities.

For more information, please visit the following website: https://roadsafety-summerschool.eu/, opens an external URL in a new window